Do you fancy combining Speedweve darning with embroidery? Well if you do then this is an easy project to start off with and the finished result is so sweet!
This design can be achieved on knitwear as well as denim and other woven fabrics using yarn or thread, but you'll achieve a much more defined pattern on woven fabrics using cotton thread.

For this repair you will need the following:
a Speedweve loom
thread or yarn - at least 3 different colours
a long darning needle
a short tapestry needle
a pair of scissors
a fabric marker pen e.g. air erasable pen, washable marker pen, Frixion pen or Chaco Chalk Pen
and a ruler
Ok, so let's get going!.........

Step One: Marking Out
Set up your Speedweve loom over the area in need of repair - this could be a hole, stain or threadbare area. Once your loom is in position we need to begin by marking a pot shape.
Firstly draw a horizontal line (A) - this will be the base of your pot so needs to be below the area of damage.
Next, draw a vertical line (B) from the base of the centre hook on your loom to the bottom of the wooden disc and intersecting with your first horizontal line.
Then make a mark 1cm (C) either side of the point at which the vertical line intersects the horizontal line.
Finally draw a vertical line (D) from the bottom of the last hook on the left to line C and repeat the same steps on the right hand side.
Alternatively you could cut a shape out of card and draw around the template, just make sure the top of the pot is no bigger than the width of the loom!
Step Two: Warp Threads
You're now ready to begin warping your loom aka adding in the vertical threads.
Thread up your long darning needle and insert the needle into your fabric coming up in the bottom left hand corner of the pot shape.
Bring the thread up and to the hook on the far left hand side (or 2nd hook in if this doesn't give you the correct angle) following the diagonal line you marked out.
Hook the thread around the hook end and then bring the thread back down to the horizontal line.
Insert your needle into your fabric directly next to where you came up and take a tiny pick stitch; you should come up very close to your last stitch.
Continue the above steps until you reach the last (or 2nd to last) hook on the right hand side.
Your last warp thread should follow the right hand horizontal thread and finish in the bottom right hand corner of the pot shape.
When you've added in all your warp threads then remove the needle but leave a long loose thread tail so you can pull on it to adjust the warp tension in the following steps.
Step Three: Weft Threads
Complete your Speedweve darn by adding in the weft (horizontal) threads.
Make sure to take a small pick stitch on each side after you weave each line to anchor your 'patch' to your fabric.
If you want your pot to look a bit special then have fun with different colours and weave patterns.
Weave all the way to the top just below the hook ends.
Step Four: Remove the loom
Take off the elastic band or spring holding the disc and metal loom together and carefully remove the loom leaving the disc in place. If you want to keep your fabric a little more secure then pop your elastic band/spring back in position.
Next, using a whip stitch sew down the loops at the top of the pot to secure your 'patch' in place; make sure to catch each loop to avoid any distortion to the patch.

Step Five: Add a few petals
Now you can start adding some embroidery- you might want to use your Speedweve disc or a Mending Macaron at this stage or even an embroidery hoop!
Use a duplicate stitch (which is essentially a simple V shape stitch) to embroider some flowers scattered directly above the pot. To make this a little easier I would suggest you mark out the position for each flower as a guideline to work to.
At this stage you can play with adding more colour if you'd like to - you could stitch the petals in just one colour or use a mixture of colours.
It will look best if you stitch different size flowers to create the illusion that some flowers are at the very front of the pot and others are further away.
Stage Six: Adding the stems
Finally using a long running stitch embroider the stems of each flower.
You will want to bring your thread up from just below the top of the basket and down again at the base of the flower petals. Then bring your needle up at the base of another set of petals and down again just below the top of the basket.
Continue until each flower has a stem!
To finish your darn remove your disc or hoop (if you used one) and tidy up all the loose threads on the wrong/back side.
It's quicker if you use a tapestry needle as these needles have a longer and larger eye and therefore are easier to thread.

And there you have it! I hope you love this as much as I do and feel inspired to give it a go :)